
Are you considering a workshop for your festival or event?

Please do get in touch if you are thinking of hosting a workshop, so that we can tailor a workshop suggestion specifically to your requirements.

As a guideline, most children's workshops last 45-60 minutes and are charged at £45 plus travel, with workshops for adults or children up to 1.5 hours at £60.  This varies depending on the event and location.

Here are some examples of one-off workshops:


Lullabies from Scottish Tradition

with Christina Stewart

This workshop for parents, carers and singers looking to expand their repertoire begins with warming up on the most basic principals of lullabies before broadening its scope to more elaborate sleepsongs and the stories which encompass them. There are a couple of simple Gaelic songs included along with Scots and English, but no previous experience is necessary.


Trad Songs for Tots and Tinies

with Christina Stewart

Lots of fun and cuddles for wee toots with an adult using traditional Scottish dandling and action songs. Adults will pick up hints on how these songs can play a part in social, physical and language development as we go. Some simple Gaelic songs are included with Scots and English, but no experience is necessary.


Action Songs and Singing Games

with Christina Stewart

It’s playtime at the festival with plenty of action and easy, catchy songs, in Scots, Gaelic and English. Get involved with favourites like 3 Craws, Brochan Lom and Underneath the Arches and pick up some new songs as well.


Sleepsongs and Dreamcraft

with Christina Stewart and Cathy MacLeod

Join us for a moment of tranquility in the excitement of the festival, as Christina sings live lullabies from Scottish tradition in Gaelic, Scots and English, while Cathy keeps little fingers busy transforming wool, beads, feathers and adapted paper plates into unique dreamcatchers. Adults and children together can enjoy this haven of calm creativity and small children may appreciate assistance with cutting and threading.


Traditional Scottish Songs and their Stories

with Christina Stewart

The traditions of song and story in Scotland often meet and inter-relate. This workshop for singers and storytellers explores some specific examples of songs from Scottish tradition attached to stories and stories attached to songs. Some of the songs are in Gaelic, but care has been taken to ensure that these are easily attainable, even for the absolute novice! Participants are encouraged but not required to sing and are welcome to make recordings or take notes. No previous experience necessary.


Worksongs Carrying Stories

with Christina Stewart and Alpin Stewart

This workshop specifically highlights songs which preserved folk memory of historical events and will give ample opportunity to get to grips with tweed in the traditional style. Participants will experience hands on the therapeutic and cultural pleasure of the Gaelic songs employed in the fulling process of tweed fabric production. Participants are encouraged but not required to sing and take part in working with the tweed. All are welcome to make recordings or take notes. No previous experience necessary.



Singin' on yer Mammy's Knee
Singin' on yer Mammy's Knee
Photo by Lieve Boussauw
Singin' on yer Mammy's Knee
Singin' on yer Mammy's Knee
Photo by Lieve Boussauw
Singin' on yer Mammy's Knee
Singin' on yer Mammy's Knee
Photo by Lieve Boussauw
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